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Call us on:

0114 255 5740

What We Do

Ashiana Sheffield has over 30 years’ experience working with Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) adults, children and young people fleeing domestic and sexual abuse, including forced marriage, human trafficking, female genital mutilation, gang violence and ‘honour’ based violence.

Although we are based in Sheffield, we provide support for BAMER women and their children across the country, providing outreach support to male and female survivors of Human Trafficking across Yorkshire and Humberside, North East, East Midlands and the North West England regions.


“To support and empower those from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) communities who have been affected by violence and abuse, to take control of their lives and move forward into a healthy, stable and safer future.”


• Respect

• Trust and Honesty

• Empower

• Ownership

• United

• Growth

How you can help

• Donate

• Share information

• If you would like to discuss this further, we would love to hear from you. Please email info@ashianasheffield.org or call us on 0114 2555740.

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If you or any one you know is affected by domestic abuse, help is available.

Call Ashiana in confidence on:

0114 2555740

(Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm)

National Domestic Abuse Helpline:

0808 2000247


In an Emergency Call:


To support and empower those from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) communities whose lives have been affected by violence and abuse to take control of their lives and move forward into healthy, stable and safer futures.

How can you help?

Your donation can make a real difference to helping women and children escape violence and abuse.

What is abuse?

Abuse comes in many forms including physical, emotional, verbal, sexual and financial. These types of abuse are used to scare, harm, threaten, control or intimidate another person.


About Ashiana

Ashiana Sheffield has over 30 years’ experience working with Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) adults, children and young people fleeing domestic and sexual abuse including forced marriage, human trafficking, female genital mutilation, gang violence and ‘honour’-based violence.


How Ashiana Can Help

Ashiana offer confidential one to one and group support to women and girls who are experiencing any form of violence and abuse, enabling them to make informed choices and exit violent situations.

We also provide accommodation to women survivors of Human Trafficking and their children as well as outreach support to male and females across Yorkshire and Humberside, the East Midlands and Northern England.